Parenting During The Pandemic: In Conversation -Christy Ziegler, Pier Imbriano, Katie Rust-Brown, Sheldon Brown, Melissa Toogood and Dana Roth
















“One reason to stay calm is that calm parents are the ones whose children keep talking. ”

 (Mary Pipher)                    

On December 15, 2020, I had the opportunity to meet with a group of parents, via zoom, so that we could discuss their experiences parenting during this unusual time in our history. The ages of their children varied from almost two years old to a just-starting- middle- school eleven year old. 

Did any of their experiences overlap? How were their children adapting to the changes in their schedules and in the life-styles of their families?  In addition to caring for their families, supervising school-age children with schoolwork, doing their own work from home, and generally worrying about when this would all end, how were these hard-working adults taking time to care for themselves? 

Join us…


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