This conversation took place between a father and a school director in Hong Kong during a school tour of a newly opened progressive international school.
The family is Chinese and the father stated that he was concerned that his child is “illiterate” when it comes to Chinese. The director asked him the age of his child and he said “two.” The director explained that the child is NOT illiterate but the child is TWO. When asked if he reads to his child, the father responded, “I don’t have time.”
This is an extreme story, but then again, when we look at the bizarre practices imposed on early childhood programs in many of our public schools in the United States, it might not appear so extreme. There seems to be a lack of understanding of what young children need and what we should realistically expect of them.
Important research backs up the belief that kindergarten children need to have time to play and explore.
I wonder where the people making educational decisions send their children to school?
Education in Finland compared to education in the United States. Now there’s a lot of food for thought!