October Study Tour to Reggio Emilia for Literacy Educators !

October 2012 Study Group for Literacy Educators
Loris Malaguzzi International Center
October 23- 26, 2012

Matt Glover and I have been working over the past two years to secure a study tour to the schools in Reggio Emilia, Italy.


Matt and I share an interest in philosophies inspired by the educators in Reggio Emilia as well as effective practices in early literacy. We often feel like we have one foot in the world of effective literacy learning and one foot in the world of Reggio inspired practices. As we wrote in our study tour proposal:

“With one foot in each world, we have seen connections and bridges between these worlds that many educators miss. We read books by Katie Wood Ray and Ellin Keene and write “Reggio” in the columns constantly, even though Reggio Emilia is never explicitly mentioned. We visit schools like the Center For Inquiry in Columbia, South Carolina and The Brooklyn New School and see connections to the schools we’ve visited in Reggio Emilia, even though many of those teachers have never been to Reggio. We listen to literacy educators like Peter Johnston talk about interactions between children
and adults that are reflective of experiences at La Villetta watching Giovanni Piazza talk with children.

The goal of this proposed study tour is to create a bridge between these two worlds. We want to take some of the most passionate thinkers about children and literacy in the United States to Reggio Emilia so that they can see the connections between Reggio and their own work. Our hope is that the impact this study tour has on participants, and their subsequent writing, will be a force for positive change in education of the United States. ” Both of our visits to Reggio Emilia resonate in our work today.


Kathy Collins
Heidi Mills
Peter Johnston
Vicki Vinton
Leah Mermelstein
Andrea Lowenkopf
Michelle Boden White
Anna Allanbrook
Mary Baldwin
Teresa Belisle
Mi Benson
Renée Dinnerstein
Amy Donnelly
Matt Glover
Ben Hart
Madeline Heide
SallyAnn Jeffreys
Stephanie Jones
Maya Nelson
Patti Pinciotti
Heather Radar
Rachel Schwartzman
Ena Shelley
Mary Lisa Vertuca
Steve Wilson
Teresa Young
Susan Adamson
Debbie Corpus
Anna Jaross
Susan Mitchell
Cynthia Merrill

Study Group Program Highlights
Workshops and discussions groups
 with a focus on extending many of the basic understandings and practices to grades beyond the preschool grades.
• Sharing experiences among participants
• Presentations by pedagogistas, atelieristas and teachers on the identity, aims and principles of the educational project
• Presentation and analysis of research projects realized inside the Preschools
• Visits to the Preschools
• Time at the Loris Malaguzzi International Center to see the current exhibitions and ateliers, and to visit the Documentation and Educational Research Center
• Visits within the city of Reggio Emilia encountering the town community

Daily Schedule

The days are full. Typically we will begin at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. and end between 5:30 and
7:30 p.m. with a lunch break midday. Some evening options will be scheduled as well. The
organization of the days gives visibility to the values of the philosophy through a combination of center visits, plenary sessions, presentations, discussion groups and exchange of experiences between the participants and the pedagogistas, teachers and parents of the Reggio experience.

International Meeting Place

The venue for the study group is the Loris Malaguzzi International Center Loris Malaguzzi, which opened in February 2006 and has recently been completed. As described by Carlina Rinaldi, Pedagogista and President of Reggio Children, “It was created to give greater value to a strong and distinctive characteristic of Reggio Emilia; the ability to lend listening, visibility and support to the rights and requests of children, young people, families and teachers. The Center is a dedicated meeting place where professional development and research intersect for people in Reggio Emilia, Italy and the world who wish to innovate education and culture.”

Prior Preparation

Participants should be familiar with the history and fundamental principles of the Reggio Emilia approach to education so that they have some contextual framework before being immersed in the actual experience. Recommended readings are posted on the Articles page in the Print & Video Resources section of the North American Reggio Emilia Alliance (NAREA) website: www.reggioalliance.org. A general bibliography is posted in this section as well. Prior study group participants as well as first time visitors are welcome to attend.

Cost per person; $1,520
The Study Group cost includes the participation fee to Reggio Children and services provided by Angela Ferrario and International Study Tours, LLC. It does not include airfare or hotel accommodations.(hotel list attached with special rates for participants)

Participants are responsible for their own meals and for booking their flights and hotel.

Participation Fee to Reggio Children S.r.l. includes:
– The organization and presentation of the study group program for the week
– An informational folder for each participant with materials about the town of Reggio Emilia, its municipal infant-toddler center and preschools, Reggio Children, and the Loris Malaguzzi International Center
– Private bus transportation to and from the centers in Reggio Emilia when required by the program
– Professional interpreters when required by the program
– Insurance as specified in Responsibility clause below
– Refreshments during coffee breaks each day
Services provided by Angela Ferrario and International Study Tours, LLC include:
– Coordination of registration process and study group experience to support professional development, collaboration and collegiality among participants
– Facilitation of communication between study group organizers and colleagues at International Office of Reggio Children
– Compilation of participants’ brief professional narratives into a document that is distributed to the group and to Reggio Children
– Availability to participants by phone and email prior to departure
– Credit card services and foreign currency transfers

Hotel Information


Hotel Posta <info@hotelposta.re.it> (annex)

Single room Eur 58.00($77.33)

Double/Twin room Eur 87.00($115.99)

The rates are per room per night and inclusive of taxes and breakfast served at Hotel Posta (we are the Annex of this Hotel)


Hotel Posta

Piazza del Monte, 2

tel  +39 0522 – 432944

fax +39 0522 – 452602






Single room Eur79.00($105.32)

–          Double for shared occupancy Eur. 99.00(131.99)

–          Rates are meant er room per night and include taxes and buffet continental breakfast

tel  +39 0522 – 432944

fax +39 0522 – 452602



Albergo Delle Notarie <notarie@albergonotarie.it>

twin room (2 beds) (single) ($93.32)and 105.00 (twin) ($139.99)breakfast included.


Albergo Morandi <info@albergomorandi.com>

– single room            64.00 €($83.32)

– double room          95.00 €($126.65)

Buffet breakfast, a free service of cafteria during the day, wi-fi and garage are included.


Hotel San Marco

1 Single Room wiht breakfast included                                                      per room per night($66.66)

1 Double Room (2 Beds) with breakfast included                                                         per night ($99.99)


HOTEL EUROPA <info@hoteleuropa.re.it>

–          One single room 87,00 euro($115.99) per night

–          Twin room 107,00 euro ($142.65)per night

–          International breakfast

–          Internet Connection WIFI

–          Parking / Garage

Tel. +39 0522-432323

Fax. +39 0522-432442






1 Single Standard room 1 person BB (Bed & Breakfast)

($106.66) per room per night


1 Twin bedded room 2 persons BB (Bed & Breakfast)

($113.32)per room per night

Rate are including breakfast, outside parking, Fitness room, newspaper and Internet Acces from the room.



We offer three choice of breakfast:


Breakfast “GRAND REGAL” :         a buffet breakfast with the kind of choice that’s bound

to please.

Italian Breakfast ” Coffee&Croissants“:   quick and friendly, coffee and pastry at the bar.

With supplement:
Breakast “Dolce risveglio”  :            15,00 per person, the comfort of a breakfast in bed. Wake up in your time with

27 thoughts on “October Study Tour to Reggio Emilia for Literacy Educators !

  1. Tiffany

    Good evening,
    I was wondering if you had requirements on who could attend. I’ve followed this blog ever since I found the website last year, and am thinking about this wonderful opportunity. Could you please e-mail me to discuss further? Thank you!

  2. Renee Post author

    Hello Tiffany

    I just looked at your wonderful blog! You certainly seem like you have the requirements to join the group. I emailed you and I look forward to hearing from you.

  3. Tomasen

    Hi Renee,
    Matt Glover “introduced” us on line a couple years ago and I have been following your blog every since. Kathy Collins then sent out an e-mail about this opportunity and well…I am wondering if you think this is best suited for those who work with the primary ages. I work with all ages and from what I have read it sounds wonderful!! How I would love to open up a school one day myself! Any insight you have on this would be appreciated.
    Thanks so much.
    Tomasen M. Carey

    1. Renee Post author

      Hi Tomasen

      So nice to hear from you again!
      I think that this would be beneficial for all ages. Vicki Vinton and Andrea Lowenkopf are coming and they both work with middle and high school students. There might also be a high school principal coming with us. I think it will be a thought-provoking experience. Besides the ability to visit the schools and speak with the teachers and other staff, our own group discussions will most likely be fascinating and productive.

      I hope you can join us! Let me know, ok?

      Best wishes,

  4. Katrina Theilmann

    Dear Renee,
    Reading about this exciting learning opportunity was a fabulous way to wake up today! Another colleague and I are very interested in attending. Please let me know what steps we need to take to ensure that we have a place in the October Study Tour. Thank you!
    All the best,

    1. Renee Post author

      Hello Katrina

      If you are definitely committed, let me know and I’ll add your name(s) to our list. Then, by the first of May I’ll be sending out the registration forms, which participants will fill out and return, with payment, to Angela Ferrario. The airline arrangements and hotel arrangements are up to participants. I could tell you what I know about some of the hotels based on my own and friends’ experiences.

      Where are you living? Are you a teacher? If your friend is interested, can you give me her/his name and email contact?

      I hope I get to meet you!(By the way, we would need to have commitments made by the end of next week.)


  5. Melissa Kirchner

    My daughter who is a student in early childhood ed is considering this trip with others from her college. Is the price quoted in American Dollars? Considering I am unfamiliar with this, I was wondering if the price is solely for the week long workshop or does it include other sight seeing in the area. Is there time for any other sight seeing in the area? Can you please tell me what your nearest/best airport in Italy is. I wish to look into flights so I can see ‘about’ how much this will cost. I am an educator myself (second grade) and this looks like a wonderful opportunity. I wish I could afford for both of us to attend. I’m just trying to get a ‘feel’ for everything the $1520 includes beyond classroom visits and study groups. Thank you for your time!

    1. Renee Post author

      Hello Melissa.
      The $1520 is the fee to Reggio Children. It’s only for the four days of workshops and classroom visits including a translator. The hotels and airfare are separate. I listed the hotels and rates on the blog. Airfare (and transportation from the airport) are the responsibility of the participant. The closest airport is in Bologna but there are no direct flights to Bologna from the US. I’m going to be flying from NY to Milan and then take the train from Milan to Reggio. I found a Delta flight that is $1,280. All of the prices that I quoted are in dollars.

      In terms of sightseeing…I know that Reggio is about 1/2 hour or so from Bologna. I also know people who went to Reggio and stayed in Italy a bit longer and went to Ravenna (It’s magical there…mosaics and mosaics!).

      I hope that this answers your questions. It’s certainly not an inexpensive proposition. I’m still trying to figure out how I will pay for it…but somehow I’ll make it work for me!

      We are going to be accepting people only through this week because we need to send out the registration forms, etc.
      Please don’t hesitate to get back to me with any more questions.

      I hope it works out for your daughter. How lucky to have such a considerate mother!

    1. Renee Post author

      Hello Constance
      There is still room although we will be closing up the list very soon. If you want to be included as a participant, can you get back to me asap?

    1. Renee Post author

      Hello Kimberly

      As of now there are no more spots, but we are adding names to a waiting list. Would you like to have your name added to the waiting list?


  6. Sue Krishna

    Thank you for the information posted on this blog. As far as I can see, this tour is not on the Reggio School’s website and I am really disappointed as I was hoping to participate in a study tour this Fall. What are my options going forward? Are you still adding to the waiting list?

    1. Renee Post author

      Hello Sue

      The tour isn’t on the reggiochildren website because it’s a privately organized tour rather than one that has been organized by reggiochildren.
      We do have a waiting list. Presently, there are 11 people on the wait list. Would you like to be added?

      Best wishes,

    1. Renee Post author

      Hi Ginny

      We have a waiting list now. Let me know if you want to be added to the wait list, ok?


  7. Lori DiGiacomo

    Is the October Study Tour full?

    I am a Kindergarten teacher on Martha’s Vineyard interested in Reggio work, inquiry-based education and have been to a great workshop at Lesley led by Matt Glover.

    1. Renee Post author

      Hello Lori

      At this time, the study group is full. If you like, I can put your name on the waiting list.
      Matt’s workshops are wonderful. I watched him in action at a school in Brooklyn. He totally
      inspired the teachers!

  8. Michael Dempsey

    Dear Renee,
    I’m sure the waiting list is long and distinguished, but would you mind adding my name? I attended the NAREA conference in Portland, felt a renewed sense of wonder for teaching, and want to continue growing in the Reggio spirit.

    Much Thanks,
    Michael Dempsey
    Hong Kong International School

  9. Renee Post author

    Hello Michael

    I will add your name to the list. We’re sorting out how many people are registered this week and then we’ll have a better idea of how many openings there are. I’ll get back to you as soon as I have that information.

    Best wishes,

  10. Mel

    Hi – I know that it is well past April but I have only just found this and am looking for a Reggio Study Tour before December and found this. Is it too late to join?

    Thanks…Mel Agustina
    (Early Years Coordinator – Sinarmas World Academy, Jakarta)

    1. Renee Post author

      Hello Mel
      We’re actually all full. I hope that you can find another group in the near future. Thank you for inquiring.
      Best wishes,

      1. Mel

        Thanks Renee for your quick response. Can you put me in contact with anyone who can tell me more about study tours and how to join one? I would love to go and think that it would be an amazing experience.


  11. Alyssa Fraser


    I have only just found out about this study group and would love to join!!! I understand that the list closed months ago, but if you happen to have any spots open up last minute, could you please add my name to the wait list.


    1. Renee Post author

      Hello Alyssa. I could add your name to the list, but I really doubt if it would work out. The group has filled up with more than we planned and there is still a wait list. Do you still want me to add your name?

      Best wishes,

      1. Alyssa Fraser

        Hi, Renee,

        I realize it is a long-shot, but I would like my name on the wait list if even for that 1% chance that it could happen.



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